27 June 2021, Sonatina in A Major, 2. Adagio, Audio

The slow roll out of age-old music continues with the middle movement of the Sonatina in A Major. Like the rest of the piano sonatinas, I have very mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, I am very happy that it exists. It is exactly the kind of thing we were forbidden from doing in composition workshop, or anywhere else in music land, for that matter. On the other hand, it—all my piano sonatinas, for that matter—is just kind of bland. There’s nothing special or even that interesting. The plodding sameness of it all really stands out to my ear, but I try not to worry about such things.

The sonatinas exist. That’s what’s important.

Oh and I suppose I’ve actually got something different I could prattle on about here.

Long time ago and far, far away, I experimented with the New Yorker Caption Contest. It was something to do, and I kind of like how some of my little caption experiments turned out.

Anyway, the novelty wore off, and I drifted away. I’m pretty sure I’ve given it an ounce of thought once or twice, considered going back. The website has made it a little harder to enter captions.

Just this past week, one of my friends started posting his captions, and they were awesome, just wildly inventive monstrosities of dark blood and humor.

This inspired me to check out the site again. I tried one out, and it was just blah, very bland, nothing to write home about. The monstrous dark blood just wouldn’t leave me alone, so I tried again and did much better, I thought to myself anyway.

I then spun out a caption that is way too dark to post in an open forum. It’s the kind of thing that makes people point and scream at the inhuman monster. I mean, seriously, who would ever think something so disgusting was funny.

Well, these are dark times, and we act out, processing the trauma and grief in weird and wondrously dark ways. So yeah, the caption dreaming of human sacrifice and cannibalism will not be seeing wide release anytime soon.

I will—after a fashion—think of the children, to misuse a Simpson’s quote.

My captions are currently making random appearances in my Twitter feed and Facebook page. I’ll get around to posting them in this update stream at some point, I suppose.

We shall see.

copyright © 2021 by keith d. jones – all rights reserved