Urban Goatherds
Merriweather's Guide
Tourist Hunter
Pyrrhic Kingdom
The Etymology of Fire
The Faire Folk of Gideon

Welcome: home of Keith D. Jones—author, composer, reformed web comic creator

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Way back in my undergraduate days, so we’re talking the bones and decrepit ruins of dinosaur land, there was composition workshop, and the less said about that sad attempt to crush the spirit, inventiveness, and personality out of our collective music-student souls the better, but I’m already drifting way off into the sunset, and this is only the first sentence, and it is already wildly out of control. How many conjunctions is that? Good grief.
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Thor: Love & Thunder has a lot on its mind. It’s not a great movie. I feel I should point that out up front—for some reason, sigh, looking at you internet—but it is a fascinating movie. I love it. My mind keeps wandering back to it, or more specifically, the notion that people don’t like it haunts the misbegotten depths of my mind. I can’t let it go, and I am fixated on one possible reason why the movie gets a bad rap even when I never actually hear this as a reason.
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Suck the marrow out of life. It’s a good quote, vivid, visceral, wild. I don’t even know if I’m remembering it right, but I remember the moment from Dead Poet’s Society. The kids excited, savoring the words, sucking the marrow, and they don’t understand what it means, but it sounds great, sounds full of passion, full of life. They want strong feelings. They desire intensity. They will shake the thunder from the sky.
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Heath wanted to be a goatherd. He was only good for shoving the dung. Chardonnay was a goatherd from a rival clan. A chance encounter would bring them together. Their worlds would never be the same.


There’s trouble at the North American Biannual Short Story Writing Competition. Famous authors are losing hard, and nobody’s talking. Is it blackmail? Is it magic? Allison Merriweather, expert magician and investigative journalist, is determined to find out.


What if your little cleaning robot started thinking for itself? What if it just didn't feel like following orders anymore? Who would you call?


Web Comics Model: while everything posted on this site is freely available for you to listen to or read, please support my work and purchase a copy of one of my books or graphic novels.

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YouTube, SoundCloud, Goodreads & Instagram